Friday, July 4, 2008

Why Pink Tulip?

When I decided to start this blog the hardest part was figuring out a name--my nephew said saying my cancer blog was just too lame. So why Pink Tulip? Pink is the color associated with breast cancer and Tulip is a nickname my daughter gave me (she is Tiger Lily and I'll always call her that whenever I talk about her).

So why blog? Well, I'm only 43 years old and never thought I'd be at risk for breast cancer much less actually have it. I only did my yearly mammograms because my doctor told me to. I probably have only done a breast exam 3 or 4 times in the last 2 years and that was only because someone reminded me to. I wasn't even the one that found the one that started my to visit the doctor. If by starting this at least one person takes a more proactive role in their own health then I did something right.

The other reason to start this was because I wanted to keep my friends and family up to date on this journey but not overwhelm their inboxes while they are working or talking to friends and family. Now, whenever they have time they can go ahead and log on.

I hope this achieves what I want and I hope everyone feels free to visit and comment!

Love to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Pink Tulip: What wonderful news. I am so thankful the news is so positive. I'm glad you are having wine with your steak tonight. I'm going to celebrate, too--with a cup of tea. This news will make it a lot easier to explain to Tiger Lily. MLB

Anonymous said...

Hi Pink Tulip,
You have my support and prayers for a good biopsy report tomorrow.
Have a wonderful dinner with Tiger Lily tonight.